Showing posts with label blame. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blame. Show all posts

Sharing the blame…

It appears that a country is like a child. It develops, and as it develops, it’s forced to make some changes. What was appropriate when it was young may no longer be appropriate after it fully develops. The trick is transitioning. You see, rarely does anyone want to change. Of course, if the change is directly beneficial to you, then change is easy. But what if the ‘changes’ mean some sacrifices? Any volunteers? Yeah…not many will volunteer for that. In a democracy change can be even more difficult to attain….because it takes a majority to make changes. That’s where the topic…sharing the blame…comes in. In large part, I believe the government is responsible for getting us into this economic mess we find ourselves in. They didn’t react/respond quick enough to the hand writing on the wall (and I mean for the last 50 years). It seems they sat on their laurels…kind of like the American car manufacturers did back in the 70s when the Japanese starting building better automobiles then us. They refused to change until it was too late and needed to be bailed out. The American government seems to be guilty of the same thing. Whether it’s due to corruption, self-preservation (afraid they will lose an election), short-sightedness, ignorance, or laziness…it doesn’t really matter. What matters now is ‘how can we fix it’? What’s it going to take? Are we, the people, willing to change? Are we, the people, willing to sacrifice? If not, and the system does collapse, then we also will share the blame on that day.

Was Jesus GOD?

  Here is what scripture says:   1Co 8:6 But to us there is but one God, the Father, of whom are all things, and we in him; and one Lord...